Home Organizing for Bloomington - Normal, IL | Office Organizing | Downsizing + Relocating | Clutter Removal
chicago professional organizer sitting down and writing on a card

How we can help

We provide de-cluttering and home organizing services for all phases of life. Read on to learn more about our services and how we can help you get organized for whatever season you are in.

Our Professional Organizing Services

Home Organization Services in Normal, IL

Home Organizing

Tackle the years of accumulated clutter throughout your home and finally achieve that cozy, calm and clean feeling you've always dreamed of.

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Small Business Organizing

Gain productivity by having your home office or small business de-cluttered and reorganized to achieve intuitive solutions and simple, proactive systems.

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Downsizing & Relocating

We'll help you throughout the complete downsizing & relocation process so can enjoy a smooth transition into this new season of life.

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Unpacking & Organizing

Let our team of organizers take on the task of unpacking, organizing and putting away the items in your home, office or classroom after a move.

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Organizing Rates

$150/hr for two organizers

4-hour minimum to book.

Packaged Discounts

12 hours - $1,700 - Save $100
24 hours - $3,300 - Save $300
36 hours - $4,800 - Save $600

Packages must be paid in full to receive discounts and to reserve your project dates.



Practical Harmony - Professional Organizing provides home organizing services to
Bloomington, IL / Normal, IL and a 60 miles radius of Central Illinois.

Send us a message and we’d be happy to create a custom home organizing package just for you!

 Are you ready to take the next step?

Schedule a complimentary consultation so that we can get to know you and your space, and discuss a plan for tackling your organizing project.

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